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的 Depository Trust Company (直接转矩) provides a wide array of services for processing corporate action events for approximately 1.39 million active security issues held at the depository. Agents have the obligation to notify 直接转矩 of all actions to a security, including distributions, 赎回, 和 reorganizations. This webpage is intended to facilitate communication between 直接转矩 和 agents in regards to corporate actions by providing instructions 和 other documentation required for 直接转矩 to process corporate action events.

  • 分布

    直接转矩’s Corporate Actions Processing Service for 分布 provides full lifecycle processing. 的 分布 service includes processing events such as cash 和 stock dividends, principal 和 interest (P&I), capital gain distributions, return of capital, 分拆, 股票分拆, 和 other events that arise from the servicing of approximately 1.39 million active security issues eligible at the depository. P&I Cash Processing interacts with paying agents 和 issuers annually to facilitate the allocation of P&I entitlements for securities valued at $87.1 trillion to 直接转矩 participants on the scheduled payment date.

    的 following documents should be used for communicating distribution announcements to 直接转矩.

  • 赎回

    直接转矩’s Corporate Actions Processing Service for 赎回 provides full lifecycle processing. 的 赎回 service includes events such as full 和 partial calls, 最后一定程度, 期限, full 和 partial pre-refundings, partial defeasances, 终止妊娠, 和 other events that arise from the servicing of securities eligible at the depository.

    的 following documents should be used for communicating redemption announcements to 直接转矩.

    • 的 Electronic Redemption Notification Instructions provides agents with guidelines for submitting redemption announcement details on partial calls, 完整的电话, 和 final distributions of principal. Completed documents can be sent to: [email protected]
    • 的 Electronic Redemption Notification Template illustrates the required format for submitting redemption announcement details on partial calls, 完整的电话, 和 final distributions of principal. Completed documents can be sent to: [email protected]
    • 的 Maturity Extension Letter is used to request a maturity date extension on a security. Completed documents can be sent to: [email protected]

  • Reorganizations

    直接转矩’s Corporate Actions Processing Service for Reorganizations provides full lifecycle processing, including sourcing 和 announcing the details of upcoming events, accepting 和 acting on instructions, 和 collecting, 分配, 和 reporting on the resulting entitlements. 的 Reorganizations service includes the announcement 和 processing of events such as exchange offers, 转换, Dutch auctions, 合并, 把, reverse 股票分拆, 投标出价, rights 和 warrant exercises, 和 other events arising from the servicing of the securities eligible at the depository.

    的 following documents should be used for communicating reorganizations announcements to 直接转矩.

    Specific client support e-mail addresses are listed in the 客户中心.

    • Null/Void/Worthless Letter Template provides agents with the required verbiage to initiate a m和atory corporate action that authorizes 存 to delete/cancel a participant position on its books 和 records. 的 letter contains the required indemnification language to confirm that the securities are deemed null, 无效, 和毫无价值, 和 that there will be no future payments.

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  • 新闻

    Check for news updates about Corporate Action Information for Agents. Visit the website to learn more about our agent services.

  • 法律

    Download important legal notices about 存 Corporate Action Information for Agents.

  • 支持

    Visit our website or call 1-888-382-2721 with questions regarding the 存 Corporate Action Information for Agents. Learn more about issue eligibility.



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