

我们的专业知识. 你的组织.


50多年来, our clients have trusted us to solve some of the biggest issues facing the global financial services industry. This unique vantage point has enabled us to develop techniques and tools that can help drive innovation and transformation.

存咨询服务 has the advantage of being able to leverage 存 interactions, 服务和vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, 以及我们的行业网络. 这使我们能够提供市场洞察力, 基准测试, 成熟度评估, 目标控制框架和同行分析, 除了大规模的过程改进和改变方案.


没有人比我们更了解存的解决方案. 以我们的 在引领行业变革和构建市场解决方案方面做出贡献, 我们提供有影响力的前后咨询, 利用我们的行业关系 以及提供无缝和积极的客户体验的专业知识.




马克Steadman担任存报告中心服务主管. 专门从事贸易报告和风险管理, Mark has led numerous projects through transformation and change management at 存 since 2014 and was recently 存’s European Head of Product Development and Change Management for the Global Trade 存储库 (GTR) service.

在存之前, 马克曾在瑞银担任多个职位, 澳大利亚国民银行, and Sapient where he co-led its regulatory reporting practice and engagements on CFTC and EMIR reporting.

Mark holds a Bachelors in Electronic and Computer Engineering from Leeds University, UK, 以及墨尔本商学院的MBA学位, 澳大利亚.



想要阿齐兹 runs the APAC Product Management function in 存 and has been in financial services since 2008. Faizal started off in the Interest Rates and Foreign Exchange Derivatives middle office and he now specializes in managing derivatives regulatory landscape changes across Asia. Faizal is a powerful force in the workplace and uses his positive attitude and influences others around him to succeed. He is often remembered by our clients even till today as the main driver towards delivering the extremely complex 2017 Hong Kong 监管变化s successfully and has then since accomplished several other APAC initiatives such as the ASIC, MAS和JFSA重新架构程序. 从不回避挑战的人, Faizal uses his extensive APAC regulatory knowledge and puts that to great use to everyone around him.

坚信人才发展的重要性, Faizal喜欢导师圈,并正在发展他的教练技能. 工作之余, 法扎尔酷爱跑步和骑自行车,几乎每天都做这两项运动, 正在为铁人70进行训练.3铁人三项. .



山姆北 serves as the European Head of Product Management for 存’s Global Trade 存储库 (GTR) service. 他负责许多欧洲GTR计划,包括EMIR, SFTR and FinfraG services offered from 存’s London and Dublin-based Trade Repositories. Having worked at 存 for over 10 years across a variety of business lines he has extensive knowledge of the post trade lifecycle and regulatory reporting.  

在存之前 Sam held various operational roles at both Abbey National and the Anglo Irish Bank. Sam holds a bachelor’s in business management from the University of Bournemouth.



Andrew was previously Executive Director and Head of EMEA Derivatives Reporting for Goldman Sachs.  He has focussed on the implementation of 监管变化 as well as the day-to-day management of Goldman’s European regulatory obligations for not only the firm, 还有它的客户. 

Andrew was Goldman Sachs’ representative on the 存 Steering Committee and in addition represented the firm at ISDA and FIA Working Groups. Prior to Goldman Sachs, he worked as a management consultant on various 监管变化 projects.



Max is a 业务 Analyst with nearly 15 years' experience working in financial services. He began his career in electronic trade 过程ing for the industry’s leading OTC derivatives trade confirmations platform, 专门从事跨信贷的交易工作流和生命周期事件管理, 利率及股票. 


With a subsequent transition into regulatory reporting in an IT capacity for a tier 1 investment bank, he's witnessed the industry adapt to transformational regulatory reforms while working in teams delivering transaction reporting solutions for CFTC, 埃米尔和MiFID II.



拥有12年的经验, Benoit has an extensive background in both financial services and project management within financial regulation and control.

He started his career within a Tier 2 bank working as an analyst in settlements before becoming responsible for risk and control assessments. Benoit then moved to one of the big 4 leading large teams in the regulatory space - implementing regulatory framework governance. Projects include driving implementation of a Brexit Target Operating Model and designing and implementing cross border control frameworks.

Benoit is fluent in both French and English and has multiple project management and business accreditations.



James has worked in the financial services industry for 15 years and 10 years as a 业务 Analyst across a variety of change projects which includes BCBS239, 交易报告(MiFID I和多德-弗兰克法案), 新法, 操作风险和利率衍生品.

James has a consulting background having worked at Sapient and Rule Financial where his projects covered a variety of roles including regulatory interpretation, 需求收集, 目标运营模式, 项目/鲍起静治理, 过程映射和差距分析.



大卫·柯比是存咨询服务公司证券业务主管. Additionally, he serves as Executive Director, Americas Relationship Management & 存全球客户管理. 在这个角色中, he is responsible for managing strategic client activities across all 存 businesses, 确保客户满意并推动各项服务的价值. Previously, he was responsible for managing the America’s Relationship Management team at Omgeo.

David has over 25 years of experience in the financial and technology industry with expertise in global relationship management and sales, 自定义应用程序设计和开发, 贸易管理系统, 商业发展. David毕业于迈阿密大学市场营销专业.



基兰有超过25年的投资银行工作经验, 以及其他主要的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入公司, 交付大规模的全球转型计划.

他在建设和领导大型企业方面拥有丰富的经验, 高绩效的顾问和项目团队, 并成功开发创新的解决方案,以应对复杂的行业挑战.

基兰的经验包括运营和技术转型, 运行模式设计, 监管变化, 前后工艺改进, 客户拓展和入职, 合并后的整合和项目管理.



Ryan provides leadership and oversight for the delivery of 存咨询服务. He has held leadership roles in a number of major financial institutions and consulting organizations in financial services. Ryan带来了一种独特的项目交付方法, which places enhanced emphasis on client success and collaboration to achieve meaningful outcomes.

Ryan的职业生涯始于vnsr威尼斯城官网登入部门的运营部门, leveraging his earlier Technology experience to deliver initiatives to automate and streamline business 过程es. 他的送货记录包括复杂的, industry-wide programs on behalf of major financial market infrastructure providers, 全球供应商和行业vnsr威尼斯城官网登入. Ryan prides himself on the experiences he has gained delivering global projects across a diverse set of client types, 目标和利益相关者. 这些项目帮助他塑造了自己的交付方式, 包括整体规划, adaptable delivery techniques and a commitment to always delivering a high-quality end-product.

Ryan在存的几个项目中担任值得信赖的顾问, including 存储库 and 衍生品服务 (RDS) and Intuitional Trade Processing (ITP) initiatives, combining a deep understanding of 存 products with a practitioner view of the capital markets to help develop innovative solutions.



Simon leads the Sales and Relationship Management function of 存咨询服务. 他曾在多家主要的全球金融机构工作, 磨练他的项目管理技能, before moving on to roles that allowed him to exercise his enthusiasm for developing client relationships. 在他的职业生涯中, Simon has gained a deep understanding of the financial markets post-trade environment through his extensive work with banks, 托管人, 供应商, 买方社区和行业vnsr威尼斯城官网登入.

Recently Simon founded several successful consulting businesses specializing in financial services. 他负责开发主要客户的投资组合, 管理全球高级销售和市场团队, 实现可持续的长期增长.

Simon has worked with 存 in various capacities over the last 15 years to help deliver some of its more complex initiatives including the launch of the 贸易信息仓库(TIW) and the Global Trade 存储库 (GTR) service.

在此期间, 他还担任董事会成员, Founding Member and 领导 Team member for the Derivatives Consulting Group, 分别是Sapient Global Markets和base60 Consulting.



Simon has more than 30 years’ experience within the Financial 服务 Industry, 绝大多数在交易后证券服务, working for some of the most respected firms within Global Custody and Investment Management. 

他的经验横跨多个项目。, 销售和业务汇款单, 管理伦敦的资产服务团队, Kuala Lumpur and Manila as well as managing programmes of work delivering enhanced efficiency, 整个证券交易后操作空间的控制和自动化.



Aerron has over 13 years of experience within 操作 covering a multitude of asset classes. Aerron started her career on the sell-side working for HSBC Investment Bank where she transitioned from Back Office to Middle Office and ultimately managed a client focussed team.

在过去的六年里, Aerron was working in the Middle East for one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds, 获得买方的经验并发展她的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入知识.

Aerron has recently led the settlement efficiency analysis for a US broker to identify pain points and design recommendation to improve this broker’s settlement efficiency.



Our experts have decades of experience leading operations team within large Investment Banks, Asset Managers and Financial Market Infrastructure covering both 监管报告 and Securities Post-Trade Processing.



Whether it’s readying for the upcoming overhaul of global derivatives trade reporting rules (rewrite to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s trade reporting rules, 埃米尔改装条例, 由新加坡金融管理局或澳大利亚证券公司变更 & 投资委员会, among others) or improving your compliance 过程 for Securities Financing Transactions Regulation, we’ll help you navigate the rapidly changing world of regulatory reporting requirements.

我们将对您的报告控制框架进行端到端评估, 包括治理结构, 数据处理, 提交前和提交后流程, 异常管理和管理信息, providing you with a view of how you benchmark against your peers and industry best practices.

Our 存咨询服务’ experts have in-depth experience in leading and managing complex remediation efforts (as well as other regulatory inquiries) across multiple jurisdictions and can help you structure these programs and execute on existing remediation backlogs.



利用我们的运营管理经验. As your firm continues to tackle the impacts of the Central Securities Depositories Regulation and the move to accelerate settlement to T+1 in the U.S.,你们公司的运营模式将真正受到考验. These challenges serve as an opportunity to reevaluate and reengineer your post-trade infrastructure to better prepare your firm for whatever may come next: regulatory revisions, 市场结构变化, 或者意外的市场事件.

Our experts will help your firm identify and implement the right control and 过程 enhancements, 将你的表现与同事进行比较, 地址结算失败, 管理vnsr威尼斯城官网登入实施, 修改您的技术架构, 优化您的整体贸易加工操作, 和更多的.



我们强调整体规划, 交付节奏, 有效的沟通和高质量的客户体验. We focus on getting the right composite mix of subject matter knowledge and delivery discipline within our project teams to be effective quickly and to provide meaningful delivery and quality assurances to our clients.



Analysis, root-cause definition and remediation of control gaps and 过程ing inefficiencies.

  • 数据质量评估
  • 监管变化影响评估
  • 数据完整性和沿袭分析
  • 绩效计分卡



Definition and organizational alignment on operating models and technical architecture for post-trade technology and operations.

  • 解决方案评估、计划和需求定义
  • 运行模式设计
  • 控制框架和文档



Post-trade experts with deep subject matter knowledge will assist with implementation and project management for the planning, testing and coordination of activities related to the implementation of any 存 solutions.

  • 测试策略和执行
  • 实施计划,项目/项目管理和项目保证

我们的专业知识. 你的组织.

不要等到! 今天为T+1做好准备

缩短U.S. settlement cycle will deliver significant capital efficiencies and risk mitigation benefits to the entire industry, 但向T+1的转变需要根本性的行为, 技术, 过程, 监管变化. 当你开始评估对公司的影响时, 存的交易后专家可以帮助指导您制定计划, 影响分析, 测试和准备框架.


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